You Are Responsible

You are responsible, what are you going to do about it?

Instead of blaming someone for your current situation, accept responsibility and do something about it.

Blaming causes negative emotions, like frustration, resentment, anger, sadness, etc.

The words ‘I am responsible’ switch your mind from negative to positive. They enable you to deal with the situation more effectively.

Let me tell you a little story of how I went to blaming someone else for my problems to accepting responsibility and taking action to improve my circumstances.

My Story

When I first separated from my ex, I blamed him. He left. He left me with 3 kids, no income (I was a SAHM), an old vehicle that was on its last legs, among other undesirable circumstances.

I blamed him, no doubt about it. But guess where blaming got me. That’s right, nowhere. I was sad, depressed, lonely, mad, resentful, and unpleasant to be around.

Eventually, throught the powers of personal development, I came to the realization that these were my problems and I had to solve them.

What was I going to do about them?

I took responsiblility. I stopped blaming him. It wasn’t overnight mind you, but blaming him for leaving me with all these issues wasn’t doing a damn thing.

So, what did I do?

I started saving for a new vehicle.

I went back to school for a new career so I could get a good job.

I started planning for my future without him.

Once I started working toward these new objectives, I felt better.

Again, not overnight, but eventually.

And it wasn’t a steady uphill climb. I took 2 steps forward and 3 steps back for a long time.

It’s only just been recently that I feel I am making progress.

I have even taken responsiblilty for my part in our relationship breakdown. And I’m working on becomeing a better person for a relationship in the future. I made a lot of mistakes that I don’t want to repeat.

Since taking responsiblity, I feel lighter, better, happier.

My ex still aggravates me but I remind myself that I can’t control his actions, but I can control mine.

And that’s what I focus on.

My advice is if you are blaming someone else for your own circumstances is to accept responsiblity. The other person does not care. Hell, they are probably happy that you are angry.

Sit down, write out your problem, come up with some solutions. Make a plan to execute and take action.

You are responsible. Take back control of your own life. Set some goals. Take action to complete them.

You will feel better. You will be in control. You can do it.


Kathy Burley

Written by Kathy

Kathy is passionate about personal development, finance, and wellness. When her head isn't stuck in a book, you can find her hiking with her kids and dog, snuggling with her cat, and looking for the next opportunity to make financial education common knowledge.

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Kathy Burley